# More Extensions

We'll be expanding on our basic example by adding some of the stock viewer extensions.

# Section Tool

The stock section extension provides 6 customisable section planes by default placed as a axis aligned box. Additional to the tool itself there is also the section outlines display provided as another optional extension.

const sections = viewer.createExtension(SectionTool);

The section tools comes with a control gizmo by default, but we can also control it programatically. So if we want to set the section box to a particular size we can do:

/** Enable the section tool */

/** Programatically apply a section box */
const box = new Box3().copy(viewer.getRenderer().sceneBox);
box.max.z *= 0.6;

You can run the example live here (opens new window) or embedded below

# Measurements Tool

The default measurement tool provides basic functionality for most measuring needs. There are two main measuring modes:

  • PointToPoint: Classic measurement mode where you measure the distance between two defined points
  • Perpendicular: This measuremente mode allows you to measure the distance along one point on a surface along it's normal to another chosen point.
  • AutoLazer™: Double clicking when in perpendicular mode, automatically measures from the current point to the nearest surface along the current point's surface normal

You can run the example live here (opens new window) or embedded below

# Differ

The differ provides diffing functionality between models. It can provide a diff data-wise as well as visually. Diffing works by taking a current model and comparing it against an incoming model. The result will contain added/removed/modified/unchanged objects which are colored accordingly (if visual diff is enabled). Diff results are based on object ids and applicationIds.

You can run the example live here (opens new window) or embedded below

Last Updated: 7/25/2024, 11:23:15 AM