# Demos and Presentations

# SpeckleCon 2023 Announcement

Introducing Speckle Automate 🤖 - SpeckleCon 2023 (opens new window)

# Our Mission for Automate Blog Post

Automate with Speckle (opens new window)

# Function Demonstrations from SpeckleCon 2023

Speckle Automate DEMOS 🔥 - SpeckleCon 2023 (opens new window)

# Public Functions: Fully Functional Demonstrations [COMING SOON]

Public functions in the Speckle Automate Functions Library are designed to serve as both fully functional solutions and practical demonstrations of how Speckle Automate can be used effectively. They are:

  • Ready-to-use in real-world workflows.
  • Examples of how to structure functions using Speckle SDKs.
  • Starting points for creating custom functions tailored to specific needs.

These functions reflect Speckle Automate's flexibility and power, offering users immediate value and insights into best practices.

# Demo Functions for Use in Automate

Speckle-authored demo functions are continually updated to reflect changes to the SDKs and expand functionality. While not all demo functions are available in the Functions Library, all Speckle-authored functions are published to GitHub alongside our open-source repositories.

These functions are typically namespaced under speckle-automate-* to facilitate discovery and reuse.