# Supported Elements

As Speckle develops, we are able to build further integrations with each of the applications we support. However, each application, and its API, comes with its own limitations that (alas) no programmer can overcome!

The tables below give an per-application indication of which object conversions Speckle is currently able to support, and to what extent.

Not Seeing Support for Something you Want? πŸ§ƒ

We're working hard to support additional elements. The list below will be updated as soon new conversion routines are added.

If you'd like us to add something specific, let us know on the Speckle Community Forum (opens new window)! We use community feedback to guide what features we'll work on next.

# Rhino

# Supported Elements

Almost all geometric elements are supported by the Rhino Connector. This includes:

Geometry Send Receive Status
Point βœ… βœ… Complete
Line βœ… βœ… Complete
Plane βœ… βœ… Complete
Arc βœ… βœ… Complete
Circle βœ… βœ… Complete
Ellipse βœ… βœ… Complete
Polyline βœ… βœ… Complete
Polycurve βœ… βœ… Complete
Spline βœ… βœ… Complete
Nurb Surface As Brep βœ… Complete
Brep βœ… βœ… Complete
Extrusion βœ… As Brep Complete
Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
BuiltElement Send Receive Status
View βœ… βœ… Complete
ModelCurve As Curve Complete
DirectShape As Mesh Complete
Level As Named Construction Plane Complete
Other Send Receive Status
RenderMaterial βœ… βœ… Complete
BlockInstance βœ… βœ… Complete
BlockDefinition βœ… βœ… Complete
PointCloud βœ… βœ… Complete
Hatch βœ… βœ… Complete
Text βœ… βœ… Complete
Dimension βœ… βœ… Complete

Speckle supports sending BREPs from Rhino <-> Rhino, and Rhino <-> Revit, with some limitations imposed by Revit's API.

Note: If Rhino's unit system is changed by the user, this may result in incorrectly scaled blocks. Make sure blocks are created in the same unit system as they are intended to be sent in.

# Unsupported Elements

Many non-geometric elements (such as text dots) and any geometric element not listed above are not supported.

# Grasshopper

# Supported Elements

Grasshopper supports the same geometry as the Rhino Connector:

Geometry Send Receive Status
Point βœ… βœ… Complete
Line βœ… βœ… Complete
Plane βœ… βœ… Complete
Arc βœ… βœ… Complete
Circle βœ… βœ… Complete
Ellipse βœ… βœ… Complete
Polyline βœ… βœ… Complete
Polycurve βœ… βœ… Complete
Spline βœ… βœ… Complete
Nurb Surface As Brep βœ… Complete
Brep βœ… βœ… Complete
Extrusion βœ… As Brep Complete
Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
Other Send Receive Status
RenderMaterial βœ… In Progress

The Schema Builder node also provides additional support for the following built elements:

BuiltElement Send Receive Status
Adaptive Component βœ… Complete
Beam βœ… Complete
Brace βœ… Complete
Ceiling βœ… Complete
Column βœ… Complete
Curves (Model, Detail, Room Boundary) βœ… Complete
Direct Shape βœ… Complete
Freeform Element βœ… Complete
Duct βœ… Complete
Face Wall βœ… Complete
Family Instance βœ… Complete
Floor βœ… Complete
GridLine βœ… Complete
Level βœ… Complete
Opening (Wall, Vertical, Shaft) βœ… Complete
Parameter βœ… Complete
Railing βœ… Complete
Roof (Extrusion, Footprint) βœ… Complete
Topography βœ… Complete
View In Progress
Wall βœ… Complete

Refer to the section below for additional information on the Schema Builder node.

# Unsupported Elements

Non-geometric elements and any geometric element not listed above, such as text tags, hatches, etc... are not supported.

# Revit

# Supported Elements

BuiltElement Send Receive Status
Area βœ… Complete
Adaptive Component βœ… βœ… Complete
Beam βœ… βœ… Complete
Brace βœ… βœ… Complete
Building Pad βœ… Complete
CableTray βœ… βœ… Complete
Ceiling βœ… Complete
Curves (Model, Detail, Room Boundary, Space Separation) βœ… βœ… Complete
Direct Shape βœ… βœ… Complete
Duct βœ… βœ… Complete
Face Wall βœ… Complete
Family Instance βœ… βœ… Complete
Floor βœ… βœ… Complete
Freeform Element βœ… In Progress
Grid βœ… βœ… Complete
Group βœ… In Progress
Level βœ… βœ… Complete
Opening (Wall, Vertical, Shaft) βœ… βœ… Complete
Pipe βœ… βœ… Complete
Project Information βœ… Complete
Railing βœ… βœ… Complete
Rebar βœ… In Progress
Roof (Extrusion, Footprint) βœ… βœ… Complete
Room βœ… βœ… Complete
Space βœ… βœ… Complete
Stair βœ… Complete
Topography βœ… βœ… Complete
View (FloorPlan, CeilingPlan, Elevation, Section, 3D) βœ… Complete
Wall βœ… βœ… Complete
Wire βœ… βœ… Complete
Other Send Receive Status
RenderMaterial βœ… Complete
BlockInstance βœ… As Generic Model Complete
PointCloud βœ… Complete

# Supported Geometries

Generally speaking, Revit doesn't support raw geometry as it deals with families. Nonetheless, we've made it simple to receive some types of geometry directly, without the need of specifying family type, name or any other parameter.

Geometry Send Receive Status
Line & Curve βœ… As ModelCurve Complete
Brep βœ… As DirectShape Complete
Mesh βœ… As DirectShape Complete

# Supported Geometries in Family Editor

Geometry Send Receive Status
Line & Curve βœ… As ModelCurve Complete
Brep βœ… As FreeForm Complete
Mesh βœ… As FreeForm Complete

# Non Supported Elements

Various element and data types do not have a direct conversions in Revit. Therefore sending Numbers, Points, Vectors or other non supported elements will have no effects.

To use such data types in Revit you should check our our Dynamo Connector


If non supported elements are received in this connector, no errors are thrown.

# Dynamo

# Supported Elements

Geometry Send Receive Status
Point βœ… βœ… Complete
Line βœ… βœ… Complete
Plane βœ… βœ… Complete
Arc βœ… βœ… Complete
Circle βœ… βœ… Complete
Cuboid As Box βœ… Complete
Ellipse βœ… βœ… Complete
Helix As Spline Complete
Polyline xΞ± Complete
Polycurve βœ… βœ… Complete
Polygon As Polyline βœ… Complete
Rectangle As Polyline βœ… Complete
Spline βœ… βœ… Complete
Solid To do
Brep As Mesh As Mesh Complete
Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
Revit Elements xΞ² Complete

Ξ±: As Rectangle, Polycurve, or Polygon

Ξ²: All Revit elements described here can also be sent from Dynamo

# Unsupported Elements

Any geometric elements not listed above are not supported.

# Civil 3D

# Supported Elements

Geometry Send Receive Status
Alignment βœ… βœ… Complete
Corridor βœ… In Progress
FeatureLine βœ… In Progress
Grid Surface βœ… as Mesh In Progress
Pipe βœ… In Progress
Profile βœ… In Progress
Structure βœ… In Progress
Tin Surface βœ… as Mesh βœ… Complete

# Unsupported Elements

Subassemblies and Assemblies are not supported.

# AutoCAD

# Supported Elements

Geometry Send Receive Status
Point βœ… βœ… Complete
Line βœ… βœ… Complete
Arc βœ… βœ… Complete
Circle βœ… βœ… Complete
Ellipse βœ… βœ… Complete
Polyline βœ… βœ… Complete
Polycurve βœ… βœ… Complete
Spline βœ… βœ… Complete
Plane Surface βœ… In Progress
Nurb Surface βœ… In Progress
PolyFace Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
SubD Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
3D Solid as Mesh as Mesh In Progress
Other Send Receive Status
BlockInstance βœ… βœ… Complete
BlockDefinition βœ… βœ… Complete
Hatch βœ… βœ… Complete
Text βœ… βœ… Complete
Dimension βœ… βœ… Complete

# Unsupported Elements

Labels and tables are not supported, as well as any unlisted element. There is a known issue with blocks containing text that is not updated with field values.

# Blender

# Supported Elements

The Blender Connector is still a work in progress and, as such, data sent from the Blender Connector is a highly lossy exchange. Our connectors are ever evolving to facilitate more and more Speckle usecases. We welcome feedback, requests, edge cases, and contributions!

In addition to geometry data, custom object properties are also converted, including ifc_definition_id (Blender BIM).

Send (Blender ⟢ Speckle)

  • Supported geometry types work well with a few very minor tecnical limitations
  • Only Principle BSDF, Diffuse BSDF, and the basic non-node based shaders are officially supported, other shaders are likley to look different when sent.
  • Image and procedural textures are not supported
  • Modifiers and Transform data (translation, rotation, scale) are baked before sending, so Blender -> Blender workflows will be quite lossy
Blender Type Send Limitations
Mesh βœ… as Mesh(es) No Vertex Groups, Vertex Colors, or Vertex Normals
Material βœ… as RenderMaterial Principle and Diffuse BSDF Shader Only
BΓ©zier Curves βœ… as Curve Sent as nurbs curve
NURB Curves βœ… as Curve CU_NURB_BEZIER flag ignored
Poly Lines βœ… as PolyLine
Collection βœ… as Collection No collection properties
Collection Instances βœ… as Block
Empty 🟨 as Point Position only, No Axis type
Camera 🟨 as View3D Aproximated; lense/sensor info lossed
Surfaces 🟨 as Mesh(es) Converted as mesh
Metaball 🟨 as Mesh(es) Converted as mesh
Text 🟨 as Mesh(es) Converted as mesh
Lights ❌ Ignored
Light Probes ❌ Ignored
Armatures ❌ Ignored

Receive (Speckle ⟢ Blender)

  • Mesh based geometries are well supported
  • Many types of curves are fairly well supported although some have limitations
Speckle Type Receive Limitations
Mesh βœ… as Mesh
Render Material βœ… as Material Principle Shader Only
Curve βœ… as Nurbs Curve
Brep 🟨 as Mesh Uses mesh displayValue
View 3D βœ… as Camera
Collection βœ… as Collection
Instances and Block βœ… as Collection Instance or transformed empty
Curve/Polycurve βœ… as Nurbs Curve
Line/Polyline βœ… as Polyline
Circle/Elipse βœ… as Nurbs Curve
Arc 🟨 as Nurbs Curve No trims
Text 🟨 as Polyline Not as Text

# Unity

# Supported Elements

We've only started supporting Unity elements, please let us know what else you'd like to see, and do contribute if you have the skillz!

Type Speckle > Unity Unity > Speckle
Point βœ… βœ…
Line βœ…
Polyline βœ…
Curve βœ…
Mesh βœ… βœ…
BuiltElements 3DView βœ…


# Supported Elements

We've only started supporting with an alpha release of ETABS elements, please let us know what else you'd like to see, and do contribute if you have the skillz!

Geometry Send Receive
Point βœ… βœ…
Columns βœ… βœ…
Beams βœ… βœ…
Braces βœ… βœ…
Sections Profile (Catalogue) βœ… βœ…
User Defined Sections ~ refer to structural objects (opens new window) for schema βœ… βœ…
Floor with Slab Sections + Deck Sections βœ… βœ…
Wall and Sections βœ… βœ…
Material Code definition βœ…
Loading (1D,2D) note: node elements can only send βœ… βœ…
Results (1D,2D,Node) βœ…
Restraints βœ… βœ…
Links βœ… βœ…
Stories βœ… βœ…
Springs (Point,Linear,Area) βœ… βœ…
Tendons βœ…
GridLines βœ… βœ…

# SAP2000

# Supported Elements

We've only started supporting with an alpha release of SAP2000 elements, please let us know what else you'd like to see, and do contribute if you have the skillz!

Geometry Send Receive
Point βœ… βœ…
Columns βœ… βœ…
Beams βœ… βœ…
Braces βœ… βœ…
Sections Profile (Catalogue) βœ… βœ…
User Defined Sections ~ refer to structural object kit (opens new window) for schema βœ… βœ…
Material Code definition βœ…
Loading (1D,2D) note: node elements can only send βœ… βœ…
Results (1D,2D,Node) βœ…

# CSiBridge

# Supported Elements

We've only started supporting with an alpha release of CSiBridge elements, please let us know what else you'd like to see, and do contribute if you have the skillz!

Geometry Send Receive
Point βœ… βœ…
Columns βœ… βœ…
Beams βœ… βœ…
Braces βœ… βœ…
Sections Profile (Catalogue) βœ… βœ…
User Defined Sections ~ refer to structural object kit (opens new window) for schema βœ… βœ…
Material Code definition βœ…
Loading (1D,2D) note: node elements can only send βœ… βœ…
Results (1D,2D,Node) βœ…


# Supported Elements

We've only started supporting with an alpha release of SAFE elements, please let us know what else you'd like to see, and do contribute if you have the skillz!

Geometry Send Receive
Point βœ… βœ…
Columns βœ… βœ…
Beams βœ… βœ…
Braces βœ… βœ…
Sections Profile (Catalogue) βœ… βœ…
User Defined Sections ~ refer to structural object kit (opens new window) for schema βœ… βœ…
Material Code definition βœ…
Loading (1D,2D) note: node elements can only send βœ… βœ…
Results (1D,2D,Node) βœ…

# SketchUp

# Supported Elements

The SketchUp Connector is still in early Alpha and is therefore a work in progress. Let us know what else you'd like to see supported or if you would like to contribute!

Type Send Receive Status
Brep as mesh Complete
Mesh βœ… βœ… In Progress
Line & Polyline βœ… βœ… Complete
Render Material βœ… βœ… In Progress
BlockInstance βœ… βœ… In Progress
BlockDefinition βœ… βœ… In Progress

# MicroStation

This is a community-contributed connector! We'll try to keep these charts as accurate as possible, but keep in mind some information may be out of date.

# Supported Elements

Geometry Send Receive Status
Point βœ… as LineElement Complete
Vector βœ… βœ… Complete
Plane βœ… βœ… Complete
Line βœ… βœ… Complete
Arc βœ… βœ… Complete
Circle βœ… as EllipseElement Complete
Ellipse βœ… βœ… Complete
Polyline βœ… βœ… Complete
Polycurve βœ… βœ… Complete
Curve (BSpline) βœ… βœ… Complete
Shape as Polyline as Polyline Complete
Complex Shape as Polycurve as Polycurve Complete
Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
Surface (BSpline) βœ… In Progress
ExtendedElement as Base In Progress
ComplexHeader as Base In Progress

# Unsupported Elements

Note that 2d elements (like Point2d and Vector3d) are converted into 3d elements on send and receive.

Points are converted as LineElements with the same start and end point on receive, and LineElements with the same start and end points are converted as Points on send.

Ellipses with rotation are converted as a curve when sent to Speckle.

Breps, pointclouds, blocks, views, and any other element not listed are not supported in MicroStation.

# OpenRoads and OpenRail

These are community-contributed connectors! We'll try to keep these charts as accurate as possible, but keep in mind some information may be out of date.

# Supported Elements

In addition to supporting all of the geometry elements that the MicroStation Connector supports, OpenRoads and OpenRail also support the following built elements:

BuiltElement Send Receive Status
Alignment βœ… βœ… Complete
Corridor as Base In Progress

# Unsupported Elements

Profiles, Stations, Featurelines, and anything else not listed are currently not supported.

# OpenBuildings

This is a community-contributed connector! We'll try to keep these charts as accurate as possible, but keep in mind some information may be out of date.

# Supported Elements

In addition to supporting all of the geometry elements that the MicroStation Connector supports, OpenBuildings also supports the following built elements:

BuiltElement Send Receive Status
GridCurve as Line In Progress
GridSystem as Base In Progress

# Unsupported Elements

# Tekla Structures

# Supported Elements

The Tekla Structures Connector is still in early Alpha and therefore will still be developed and worked on. Let us know what else you'd like to see supported or if you would like to contribute to make it finish the alpha phase faster!

Type Send Receive Status
Contour plates (slabs/plates) βœ… βœ… Complete
Beams βœ… βœ… Complete
Columns βœ… βœ… Complete
Spiral Beams βœ… βœ… Complete
Curved Beams βœ… In Progress
Polybeams βœ… βœ… Complete
Welds βœ… In Progress
Rebars βœ… In Progress
Bolts βœ… In Progress

# Archicad

# Supported Elements

The Archicad Connector is still in Alpha and being developed. Geometry and mesh based support is comprehensive and almost all of the built elements are supported. Let us know what would be particularly useful to you and we will make sure to prioritise them!

Type Send Receive Status Notes
Mesh / Direct Shape βœ… βœ… Complete All unsupported elements will go in/out as meshes
Floor (Slab) βœ… βœ… Complete
Wall βœ… βœ… Complete
Room (Zone) βœ… βœ… Complete
Beam βœ… βœ… Complete
Column βœ… βœ… Complete
Roof βœ… βœ… Complete
Shell βœ… βœ… Complete
Door 🟨 🟨 In Progres GDL parameters are not exported
Window 🟨 🟨 In Progres GDL parameters are not exported
Skylight 🟨 🟨 In Progres GDL parameters are not exported
Mesh βœ… βœ… Complete
Morhp βœ… βœ… Complete
Object βœ… βœ… Complete GDL parameters are not exported

# Supported Elements

The Navisworks Connector is still in Alpha and is still being developed. Geometry and mesh based support is pretty comprehensive, but built element (BIM) conversion is non existant. Let us know what elements or properties you see as missing and would be particularly useful to you! Navisworks Connector is send only.

Type Send Receive Status Notes
"Solid" Geometry βœ… ❌ Complete All 3d elements will be sent as as meshes
Line Geometry βœ… Complete 2D and 2.5D Linework is sent as many lines as "dissolved" by Navisworks according to its facetting setting on appending
Point 🟨 Partial
Text Unsupported