# SpeckleRenderer
# Accessors
# Methods
# Typedefs
RenderingStats | SunLightConfiguration |
# Accessors
# allObjects
get allObjects(): Object3D
Gets the parent three.js object for all loaded scene content.
Returns: Object3D (opens new window)
# clippingPlanes
get clippingPlanes(): Plane[]
set clippingPlanes(value: Plane[])
Gets or set the clipping Plane (opens new window)s for the scene. Anything outside the volume determined by the clipping planes will get visually clipped.
# clippingVolume
get clippingVolume(): Box3
set clippingVolume(box: Box3)
Gets or set the clipping volume for the renderer as a Box3 (opens new window). Anything outside the clipping volume is not interactible by default.
# indirectIBL
set indirectIBL(texture: Texture)
Sets the texture for indirect image based lighting. Works as per existing three.js Scene (opens new window) documentation.
# indirectIBLIntensity
set indirectIBLIntensity(value: number)
Sets the envMapIntensity (opens new window) for all SpeckleStandardMaterials in the scene.
# intersections
get intersections(): Intersections
Gets the Intersections instance associated with the renderer.
Returns: Intersections
# needsRender
set needsRender(value: boolean)
Signals the renderer that it needs to render at least one frame. Assigning a false value has no effect.
# pipeline
get pipeline(): Pipeline
set pipeline(value: Pipeline)
Gets or sets the renderer's Pipeline.
# renderer
get renderer(): SpeckleWebGLRenderer
Gets the underlying SpeckleWebGLRenderer which is small extension of WebGLRenderer (opens new window).
Returns: SpeckleWebGLRenderer (opens new window)
# renderingCamera
get renderingCamera(): Camera
Gets the currently rendering Camera (opens new window).
Returns: Camera (opens new window)
# renderingStats
get renderingStats(): RenderingStats
Gets the up to date RenderingStats.
Returns: RenderingStats
# scene
get scene(): Scene
Gets the underlying three.js Scene (opens new window).
Returns: Scene (opens new window)
# sceneBox
get sceneBox(): Box3
Gets the total bounds of the scene.
Returns: Box3 (opens new window)
# sceneCenter
get sceneCenter(): Vector3
Gets the center of the total bounds of the scene.
Returns: Vector3 (opens new window)
# sceneSphere
get sceneSphere(): Sphere
Gets the sphere encompasing the entire scene.
Returns: Sphere (opens new window)
# shadowcatcher
get shadowcatcher(): Shadowcatcher
Gets The Shadowcatcher🛸 instance associated with the renderer.
Returns: Shadowcatcher
# shadowMapNeedsUpdate
set shadowMapNeedsUpdate(value: boolean)
Signals the renderer to render the shadowmap.
# sunLight
get sunLight(): DirectionalLight
Gets the DirectionalLight (opens new window) sun instance.
Returns: DirectionalLight (opens new window)
# Methods
# addRenderTree
async *addRenderTree(subtreeId: string): AsyncGenerator<any, void, unknown>
Generator function which takes the id of a render tree, builds the batches, then adds the batches to the scene. The function will yield
after each batch has been created, allowing for user defined code to be run in the following fashion.
for await (const step of speckleRenderer.addRenderTree(id)) {
// User defined code
- subtreeId: The id of the render tree to add to the scene
Returns: AsyncGenerator (opens new window)
# boxFromObjects
boxFromObjects(objectIds: string[]): Box3
Builds the bounds of the provided object ids as a Box3 (opens new window).
- objectIds: An array of ids that participate in the bounds calculation
Returns: Box3 (opens new window)
# cancelRenderTree
cancelRenderTree(subtreeId: string): void
Cancels any ongoing render tree adding operations. Effective cancelling happens as soon as the current running generator step yields.
- objectIds: An array of ids that participate in the bounds calculation
Returns: void
# enableLayers
enableLayers(layers: ObjectLayers[], value: boolean): void
Enables/Disables ObjectLayers from rendering. By default all layers are enabled.
- objectIds: An array of ids that participate in the bounds calculation
Returns: void
# getBatch
getBatch(id: string): Batch
Gets a Batch by id.
- id: The id of the batch
Returns: Batch
# getBatchMaterial
getBatchMaterial(rv: NodeRenderView): Material
Gets the default material of the provided NodeRenderView. It's originally defined material.
- rv: NodeRenderView
Returns: Material (opens new window)
# getMaterial
getMaterial(rv: NodeRenderView): Material
Gets the current material of the provided NodeRenderView.
- rv: NodeRenderView
Returns: Material (opens new window)
# getObject
getObject(rv: NodeRenderView): BatchObject
Gets the associated BatchObject with the provided NodeRenderView.
- rv: NodeRenderView
Returns: BatchObject
# getObjects
getObjects(): BatchObject[]
Gets all BatchObject instances from the renderer.
Returns: BatchObject[]
# removeRenderTree
removeRenderTree(subtreeId: string)
Removes the specified render tree along with all it's generated objects from the scene.
- subtreeId: The id of the render tree to remove from the scene
Returns: void
# renderViewFromIntersection
renderViewFromIntersection(intersection: ExtendedIntersection): NodeRenderView
Takes an intersection result produced by intersections and outputs the intersected NodeRenderView.
- intersection: ExtendedIntersection
Returns: NodeRenderView
# resetMaterials
resetMaterials(): void
Resets all object materials to their original default.
Returns: void
# resetPipeline
resetPipeline(): void
Resets the current rendering pipeline.
Returns: void
# resize
resize(width: number, height: number): void
Manually resizes the renderer.
Returns: void
# setMaterial
There are several overloads of this method.
setMaterial(rvs: NodeRenderView[], material: Material): void
Sets the material instance to the specified rvs.
- rvs: NodeRenderView
- material: The material instance to apply. It can be a vanilla three.js Material (opens new window) but also a SpeckleMaterial
rvs: NodeRenderView[],
material: RenderMaterial & DisplayStyle & MaterialOptions
): void
Creates a material based on the intersection between RenderMaterial, DisplayStyle and MaterialOptions. Because this method does not discriminate based on the render view's geometry type (mesh, lines, points) it needs to be able to build materials suitable for all gometry types.
- rvs: NodeRenderView
- material: RenderMaterial & DisplayStyle & MaterialOptions
Returns: void
setMaterial(rvs: NodeRenderView[], material: FilterMaterial): void
Sets the filter material to the specified rvs. FilterMaterials are a set of predefined material types which are commonly used.
- rvs: NodeRenderView
- material: FilterMaterial
Returns: void
# setSunLightConfiguration
setSunLightConfiguration(config: SunLightConfiguration): void
Sets the provided SunLightConfiguration.
- config: SunLightConfiguration
Returns: void
# updateShadowCatcher
updateShadowCatcher(): void
Updates The Shadowcatcher🛸.
Returns: void
# Typedefs
# RenderingStats
objects: number
batchCount: number
drawCalls: number
trisCount: number
vertCount: number
batchDetails: Array<{
drawCalls: number
minDrawCalls: number
tris: number
verts: number
Details regarding rendering state.
# SunLightConfiguration
interface SunLightConfiguration extends LightConfiguration {
elevation?: number;
azimuth?: number;
radius?: number;
- elevation: Elevation in polar coordinates
- azimuth: Azimuth in polar coordinates
- radius: Distance from the camera target