# Introduction

Note, these are WIP instructions. More details coming soon!

# The Speckle Viewer: Getting Started

You can download the package here (opens new window)!

For development purposes, to start a webpack live reload server run:

npm run serve

You can now access the example at http://localhost:9000/example.html.

To build the library, you should run:

npm run build


Syntax and examples for supported API methods. The examples assume a Viewer instance named v.

# Load/Unload an Object

v.loadObject( objectUrl ) / v.unloadObject( objectUrl )

Example: v.loadObject( 'https://app.speckle.systems/streams/3073b96e86/objects/e05c5834368931c9d9a4e2087b4da670' )

# Get Properties of Loaded Objects


This returns a dictionary with { propertyName: propertyInfo } elements. The property information provided is:

  • type ( == 'string' / 'number' / 'boolean'): the property type
  • objectCount (int): How many objects in the scene have this property
  • allValues (array of objectCount elements): The values for this property of all objects that have this property
  • minValue - the smallest value (using < operator, works also on strings)
  • maxValue - the largest value
  • uniqueValues - a dictionary of { uniqueValue: occurrenceCount } elements, specifying how many objects have the property set to that specific value

# Filtering and Colouring

Those calls filter and color the objects loaded in the scene, and drops the previous applied filters (filtering is not additive).

Syntax: await v.applyFilter( { filterBy, colorBy, ghostOthers } )

The 3 optional parameters are:

  • filterBy: A dictionary that specify the filter. Elements are in the form { propertyName: propertyValueFilter }. The propertyValueFilter can be one of:

    • A specific value: (only objects with that property value pass the filter)
    • An array of values: An object passes the filter if its value is in the array
    • A range of values, specified by { 'gte': value1, 'lte': value2 } (greater than or equal, lower than or equal)
    • An exclusion list, specified by { 'not': excludedValuesArray }
  • colorBy: A dictionary that makes all objects colored based on a property value. Two types of coloring are supported:

    • Gradient (from a numeric property): { 'type': 'gradient', 'property': propertyName, 'minValue': propertyMinValue, 'maxValue': propertyMaxValue, 'gradientColors': [color1, color2] }
    • Category (for coloring each unique value differently): { 'type': 'category', 'property': propertyName, 'values': { value1: color1, value2: color2, ... }, 'default': colorForAnyOtherValue }. The values and the default parameters are optional: Random colors are generated if they are omitted.
  • ghostOthers: A boolean (default false). If set to true, then the objects that are filtered out are actually shown with very low opacity, so that the remaining objects have a better context.

To remove all filters: await v.applyFilter( null )


  • filter and color levels by name
v.applyFilter({filterBy: {'level.name': ['3FL', '4FL', '7FL']}, colorBy: { property: 'level.name', type: 'category', values: {'3FL': '#F0FFFF', '4FL': '#6495ED', '7FL': '#7B68EE'} }, ghostOthers: true } )

  • color by property (e.g. 'baseLine')
v.applyFilter({colorBy: { property: 'baseLine.start.x', type: 'gradient', minValue: -7200, maxValue: 33000, 'gradientColors': ['white', 'CornflowerBlue', 'BlueViolet'] } } )